Periódico Hypnos   Periódico Hypnos   Hynos Journal  
O Periódico Hypnos é o órgão oficial da FLASS.   El Periódico Hypnos es el medio de comunicación científica de la FLASS.   The journal Hypnos is the official publication of the FLASS.  
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Deborah Suchecki, Ph.D.
Department of Psychobiology - Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Rua Napoleão de Barros, 925
Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP 04024-002

Associate Editors:
Sergio Tufik, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Psychobiology - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil

Luiz Menna-Barreto, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology and Biophisics - Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Editorial Board (confirmed so far)
Adrian Morrison:
Anton Coenen:
Bernard Fleury:
Carole L. Markus:
Cesar Timo-Iaria:
Charles M.Morin:
Christian Guilleminault:
Damien Leger:
Daniel Cardinali:
Elio Lugaresi:
Emanuel Mignot:
Enio Vivaldi:
Fernando Reinoso-Suarez:
Hans Van Dongen:
Harvey Moldofsky:
Jacques Montplaisir:
Jaime Monti:
Katsumasa Hoshino:
Larry Sanford: SanforLD@EVMSMAIL.EVMS.EDU
Axel Steiger:
Linda Toth:
Mark R. Opp:
Merrill Mitler:
Mircea Steriade:
Osamu Hayaishi:
Patricio Peirano:
Paulo Tavares:
Piero Salzarulo:
Pierre Luppi:
Rafael Salin-Pascual:
Ricardo Velluti:
Robert Stickgold:
Tereza Paiva:

Hypnos is an international journal sponsored by the Latin American Sleep Research Society. The journal is committed to publish relevant clinical and experimental research findings on sleep and wakefulness, sleep-related biological rhythms and dreaming which may help to understand the mechanisms and regulation of sleep, the consequences of its loss, its disorders and treatments.

Regularity of the journal is 3 issues per year.

Types of papers
Submission of reviews, regular research papers, short communications and case reports is welcome.

- Review papers: Should contain a deep and critical review of the proposed issue.
- Regular research papers: These are intended to disseminate original basic and clinical studies. There is no length limitation and splitting of results into smaller papers is highly discouraged.
- Short communications: These are intended to publish basic research papers of no more than 2500 words, 1 figure or table and no more than 20 references.
- Case reports: These should be no more than 1500 words (no abstract required), 1 figure or 1 table sand no more than 10 references, describing important clinical issues, etiology and pathogenesis of a disease. Reports on a new or uncommon disease are welcome; they should address relevant aspects of sleep medicine.

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the Editor, with a cover letter stating that the findings are original and are not being submitted anywhere else. The authors should suggest three possible reviewers for the manuscript (including, but not obligatory, one name from the editorial board). Manuscripts should be typed in good quality paper, doubled space with margins of 2.5 cm, containing:

- Title page: Should contain the article's title which should be as concise as possible without abbreviations, complete names of the authors and their affiliations, complete postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

- Abstract: Should be typed on a separate page, with a maximum of 250 words, followed by four to six key words.
- Main text: Should include the subheadings Introduction, Methods, Results, References, Acknowledgements, Figure legends and Tables. Possible insertion of figures and tables should be indicated in the text. When first mentioned, abbreviations should always be preceded by their full spelling, except for those well known such as ACTH, AIDS, GABA, etc.

- References: Should be cited in the text in brackets using the name of the authors, followed by year of publication. Two authors should be cited as such: Pereira & Oliveira, 1999, more than two authors should be cited as Pereira et al., 1998. Authors should be listed in alphabetical order.
Examples of references:
Timo-Iaria, C., Negrão, N., Schmidek, W.R., Hoshino, K., Lobato de Menezes, C.E. and Leme da Rocha, T. Phases and states of sleep in the rat.
Physiol. Behav., 5: 1057-1062, 1971.

Kleitman, N. Sleep and wakefulness. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1963.

Book Chapter
Webb, W.B. Theories about sleep and some clinical implications. In: Drucker-Colin, R., Shkurovich, M. & Sterman, M.B. (Eds) The functions of Sleep. New York, Academic Press, 1979, 19-36.

- Illustrations and Tables: Should be referred in the text in Arabic numbers, e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, etc in order in which they appear. Each figure must be marked on the back with the appropriate number, name of the corresponding author and first words of the title. In case there are doubts about the orientation of the figure, mark the top. Photographs should be sent in glossy paper. Color illustrations will be accepted as long as the author(s) contribute towards the further cost of printing. Each figure should have a clear and informative legend (including symbols for statistical differences). Remember that figure + legend must be sufficient for the reader to understand most of the study. All figure legends should be typed on a separate page.
Tables should contain only essential data. They should be presented on a separate page numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals and containing a concise, but informative caption.

- Units: Measurements must be in SI units. For instance, cm for centimeter, l for liter, min for minutes, etc.

- Informed Consent/Ethics of Experimentation: Experimental studies in humans must specify that the research received prior approval by the institutional Ethics Committee and that informed consent was obtained from each subject of patient. Manuscript describing investigations in animals must clearly indicate the steps take to eliminate suffering and pain. These should also be approved by the Institution's Ethics Committee and be in accordance to the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care (NIH).





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