Projeto microtodos
Projeto MicroTodos
Projeto Microtodos

Microvillains in action is a game that aims to introduce, in the classroom, in a playful way, the “world” of pathogenic microbes.
Contents: pathogenic microbes and respective diseases, ways of transmitting agents and preventing diseases. As a pedagogical tool, this game allows the teacher to work on concepts of hygiene, sanitation, pollution, vaccines, hospital infections, health, sexually transmitted diseases, defense mechanisms of the organism and preservation of the environment as a way of preventing emerging diseases. It is a game of cards that form quartets. The game is presented in 3 modes directed and recommended for different age groups from 7 years old (literate people). The necessary materials for the game as well as the teacher’s manual with suggestions for activities to be developed in the classroom are available for printing.

Have Fun!!!

Authors: Cibele C. Berto and Maria Lígia Coutinho Carvalhal
Graphic Project: Matias Larco
Microbes’ Original Drawings: Cibele C. Berto
Illustrations: Jorge Oyakawa, Mayra Frediani and Matias Larco
Scientific Revision: Virus – Maria Lucia Racz. Protozoan – Anette Foronda. Fungi – Benedito Corrêa. Bacteria – Marina B. Martinez
Translation: Pedro H. M. Cabral
General Supervision and Coordination: M. Ligia C. Carvalhal, Project MicroTodos, microbiology on duty for society.
Financial Support: Fundo de Incentivo à Cultura e extensão/PRCEX/USP/Programa Aprender com Cultura e extensão/USP.