Projeto microtodos
Projeto MicroTodos
Projeto Microtodos

Microligue is a game composed by many different picture frames that must be associated with words related to the student's daily life. Playing, the students can build, slowly, the correct approach to microorganisms and their interactions with the world in which we live.

Authors: Roseane de Souza, M. Marta Carvalhal and M. Ligia C. Carvalhal.
Ilustration: Daniela C. Velázquez.
Guidance and supervision: M. Ligia C. Carvalhal, Microtodos Project – the microbiology on duty for citizenship.
Translation: Pedro H. M. Cabral.
Financial support: Programa Unificado de Bolsas SAS/USP | Programa SIAE /PRG /USP